We are experts in evaluation delivering clear, well-reasoned answers to your most important questions. Our evaluations focus on what you want to know rather than what is easy to measure.  We take time to understand your context and use a mix of methods to answer your questions in a concise and meaningful way.

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Impact assessment

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Service, programme and policy design

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Quigley and Watts Ltd

Level 1, 93 Cuba Street,
PO Box 24266, Wellington 6142, New Zealand.
Phone 021 828 055 (Carolyn) or 021 911 190 (Rob)
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This evaluation collected information from 378 schools (81% response rate) using an online survey, 16 in-depth interviews and a review of previous evaluations to conclude Fruit in Schools is highly effective and valued by schools and stakeholders.

We are currently assisting Hospice New Zealand by evaluating the effectiveness of the national process to administer the Government‘s $24 million investment in the development of innovative new ways to deliver community palliative care services.

Hospice NZ evaluation

The evaluation demonstrated positive outcomes for patients, pharmacists and technicians leading to the development and implementation of the Pharmacy Accuracy Checking Technician training and certification programme.

Evaluation of Pharmacy Accuracy Checking Technician Demonstration

Programme evaluation for 5+ a day